Package dioscuri.module.dma

Class Summary
DMA An implementation of a DMA controller module.
DMA16Handler Handler for the slave DMA controller, providing implementations for 16-bit read and write functionality
This handler will be registered with the DMA class to provide device-specific methods for reading (memory -> device) and writing (device -> memory) a word via DMA.
DMA8Handler Handler for the master DMA controller, providing implementations for 8-bit read and write functionality
This handler will be registered with the DMA class to provide device-specific methods for reading (memory -> device) and writing (device -> memory) a byte via DMA.
DMAChannel DMA Channel
Class representing the structure of a DMA channel; each channel contains:
- mode register (sets mode and transfer type)
- current and base address (memory location of read/write)
- current and base count (number of transfers)
- used status (channel is in use)
DMAController DMA controller
Class representing the structure of a DMA controller; each controller contains:
- 4 channels, eah having a DMA Request (DRQ) and DMA Acknowledge (DRQ) bit
- mask register (disables incoming DRQs)
- flipflop (additional address bit)
- status register (status of terminal counts, DMA requests)
- command register (operation control)
DMAModeRegister DMA mode register
Class representing the mode register a DMA controller