Uses of Interface

Packages that use Updateable

Uses of Updateable in dioscuri.module

Classes in dioscuri.module that implement Updateable
 class ModuleATA
          Abstract class representing a ATA module.
 class ModuleFDC
          Abstract class representing a generic FDC module.
 class ModuleKeyboard
          Abstract class representing a generic Keyboard module.
 class ModulePIT
          Abstract class representing a generic PIT module.
 class ModuleSerialPort
          Abstract class representing a generic serial port module.
 class ModuleVideo
          Abstract class representing a generic video module.

Methods in dioscuri.module with parameters of type Updateable
abstract  boolean ModuleClock.registerDevice(Updateable device, int intervalLength, boolean continuousOneShot)
          Register a device to clock and assign a timer to it
abstract  boolean ModuleMotherboard.requestTimer(Updateable device, int updatePeriod, boolean continuous)
          Requests a timer for given device at clock
abstract  boolean ModuleMotherboard.resetTimer(Updateable device, int updateInterval)
          Resets the timer of device (if any)
abstract  boolean ModuleClock.resetTimer(Updateable device, int intervalLength)
          Reset the timer of given device (if any)
abstract  boolean ModuleMotherboard.setTimerActiveState(Updateable device, boolean runState)
          Set a timer to start/stop running
abstract  boolean ModuleClock.setTimerActiveState(Updateable device, boolean runState)
          Set a timer to start/stop running

Uses of Updateable in dioscuri.module.ata

Classes in dioscuri.module.ata that implement Updateable
 class ATA
          An implementation of a ATA controller module.

Uses of Updateable in dioscuri.module.clock

Fields in dioscuri.module.clock declared as Updateable
protected  Updateable Timer.user

Methods in dioscuri.module.clock with parameters of type Updateable
 boolean Clock.registerDevice(Updateable device, int intervalLength, boolean continuous)
          Register a device to clock and assign a timer to it
 boolean Clock.resetTimer(Updateable device, int updateInterval)
          Reset the timer of given device (if any)
 boolean Clock.setTimerActiveState(Updateable device, boolean runState)
          Set a timer to start/stop running

Constructors in dioscuri.module.clock with parameters of type Updateable
Timer(Updateable user, int intervalLength, boolean type)

Uses of Updateable in dioscuri.module.fdc

Classes in dioscuri.module.fdc that implement Updateable
 class FDC
          An implementation of a Floppy disk controller module.

Uses of Updateable in dioscuri.module.keyboard

Classes in dioscuri.module.keyboard that implement Updateable
 class Keyboard
          An implementation of a keyboard module.

Uses of Updateable in dioscuri.module.motherboard

Methods in dioscuri.module.motherboard with parameters of type Updateable
 boolean Motherboard.requestTimer(Updateable device, int updateInterval, boolean continuous)
          Requests a timer for given device at clock
 boolean Motherboard.resetTimer(Updateable device, int updateInterval)
          Resets the timer of device (if any)
 boolean Motherboard.setTimerActiveState(Updateable device, boolean activeState)
          Set a timer to start/stop running

Uses of Updateable in dioscuri.module.pit

Classes in dioscuri.module.pit that implement Updateable
 class PIT
          An implementation of a Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) module based on the Intel 82C54 PIT chip.

Uses of Updateable in dioscuri.module.serialport

Classes in dioscuri.module.serialport that implement Updateable
 class SerialPort
          An implementation of a serial port module.

Uses of Updateable in

Classes in that implement Updateable
 class Video
          An implementation of a video (VGA) module.